Retreat Programme

Over your four day stay with us there will be a variety of workshops leading you on a journey ever forward to wholeness and the home of self.

These may include, although are not limited to the programme below.

Arrival - Monday 23rd September

We Open our Sacred Sisters Circle

During the course of the our week immersed together we will experience and explore together…

The Shadowdance

●   “What does your best life feel like?”

●   “Where in your body is your power?”

 Connect with Nature

●     Womb Healing and the Element of Water.

●     Walking Meditation.

The Nature of Transformation

●   “Releasing Stored Emotions.”

●   Freetime and the option for Deep Tree Connection

●   Fire Ceremony: “What story is ready to be let go?”

Departure - Friday September 27th

●  Integration, next steps and closing of our Sacred Sisters Circle

●   Depart with fond farewells

“Emerge from this unified experience glowing and flowing with life and
the tide of the universe in new ways.”