Dragon greetings card


Taken from the Dragon Path Oracle deck, illustrated by Tiras Verey, these Dragon greetings cards are one of a kind and only available to purchase from this store.

Information: A5, blank inside, envelope included.

Please choose the dragon you would like from the drop down menu. More information about each dragon can be found below.

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Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: he likes you to integrate with the 7th-Dimensional Golden Ray energy
and by connecting with him, it will enable you to shift negativity and integrate higher vibrations into your life.


Clan: The Guardian Dragons.

Guidance: has a particular affinity with practitioners who use healing plants, herbalism, homeopathy,
essential oil and flower essences. He is a powerful ally for those ready for the next phase of our transformational journey of life.

Magic and Manifestation

Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: these two dragons are known as the miracle makers and can be called upon when you
need help with manifesting things that are on a practical level.


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: connects well with people who have started to make inroads on their spiritual journey and
who are wanting to take their journey to the next level.  


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: he connects to our base chakra so relates to everything that makes up our physical lives
as well as the world we create for ourselves.

Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.
Guidance: this dragon wants you to let go of fear, pain, doubt, anger, sorrow and guilt. He believes that
holding onto these emotions traps you in old patterns that no longer serve you.


Clan: The Grand Master Dragons.

Guidance: has a deep connection with the calm and resilient energy of Mother Mary, therefore her
presence enables life to settle down, especially if you have been through turbulent times.


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: she is all about you being kind to yourself and to make sure that you don’t miss the beauty of life.
Her energy guides you to an inner tranquillity that helps you to trust that everything is fine.


Clan: The Guardian Dragons.

Guidance: known as The Earth Dragon as he connects to nature and everything within the natural world.

Soul Guardian

Clan: The Guardian Dragons.

Guidance: a majestic dragon that carries all of you, all your past and your experiences. He is the guardian
of every incarnation you have experienced as a soul throughout the ages.


Clan: The Grand Master Dragons.

Guidance: he is the historian and record keeper of all events during the Atlantean era so can take you
to and bestow upon you the magic from that time.


Clan: The Grand Master Dragons.

Guidance: this dragon illuminates your truth and guides you to remove the shields of false protection –
your truth needs to be seen and shared.


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: she likes to bring restorative Harmony to your life, both on an inner personal level
and an outer global level.


Clan: The Guardian Dragons.

Guidance: this dragon is the Earth Keeper and is full of wisdom. She will guide you into restoring
balance and gaining courage to stand up for what you believe in your heart to be true.


Avebury Matriarch

Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: she follows the matriarchal line back through the passage of time, helping you to explore old
family hurts, enabling you to release them to her. Her wisdom can guide you to heal the past and move forward in your life.


Clan: The Galactic Dragons.

Guidance: this dragon’s main role is to work with children who have special and unusual abilities and traits,
adults and those on the autistic spectrum. She guides you to explore your richness of talent –
anything that allows the mind to unleash and creativity to flow.


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: depicts our light and shadow sides and likes to remind you that everything is perfect, even in
situations that push your buttons. His energy and wisdom guides you to be more balanced in how you view a situation.  


Clan: The Galactic Dragons.

Guidance: connects to the moon and its phases. She likes people to give themselves a break and practice
self-care, particularly in the creative form.


Clan: The Guardian Dragons.

Guidance: a powerful dragon that can really pack a punch! His guidance states that self-doubt hinders you
and that your time is now, the world needs to see your light.


Clan: The Guardian Dragons.

Guidance: this dragon is the etheric counterpart of whales and dolphins. His guidance helps people when
they are feeling stuck and unable to go with the flow.


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: a dragon of gratitude, his guidance helps people to take notice of and acknowledge old negative patterns.

Father Time

Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: an old commanding dragon that helps you to find clarity in life situations, allowing you to reach a
new level of understanding.


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: helps people when they have been or are struggling with self-worth, self-respect or self-love issues.


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: a tough dragon that guides people to a place of self-evaluation and their behaviour. He believes that
we are responsible for our lives and how we react to experiences.

The Healer

Clan: The Guardian Dragons.

Guidance: this dragon is big on people taking time for themselves, to rest and recharge. He reminds us to not
take ourselves or life too seriously.

Divine Feminine

Clan: The Guardian Dragons.

Guidance: connects you to your Divine Female energy. She reminds you that you are exactly who you need to be
and where you need to be at any moment, assuring you that you have infinite resources to see us through any decisions in life.

The Philosopher

Clan: The Grand Master Dragons.

Guidance: he has a strong connection to Galileo, the planets, mathematics and science. Therefore, he appears when
you have been thinking about taking up any kind of study/formal education or undertaking any spiritual development.  


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: she wants you to stand strong against adversity – if you want change, you have to be the change.


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: she offers great strength for tough life situations like bereavement or when making big life changes.
Courage guides you through these challenging times, supporting your self-belief.


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: he guides you to a place of hope and courage, encouraging you to dig deep and take the next step.

Merlin The Dragon

Clan: The Grand Master Dragons.

Guidance: a sage old dragon whose guidance is one of teaching and learning. He encourages you to
seek the answers from within.

Lord Kuthumi

Clan: The Galatic Dragons.

Guidance: he guides you to be clear of your woes and fears, and your deep need for control.


Clan: The Earth Walk Dragons.

Guidance: this dragon guides you through feelings of overwhelm, when you are trapped by
circumstances or if you are feeling anxious.


Dragon Path Oracle Cards